Monday, January 23, 2012


Last weekend I was in New York visiting my daughter and while wandering around Soho, before meeting her for dinner, I came across this outdoor flower shop with each tulip individually wrapped against the stormy night and all the flowers encased in filmy paper.  It seemed such a tender scene I wanted to catch it in paint.  Backing up to take a snap shot I ran into this sign.

Now I could only imagine a hoard of painters complete with berets and easels being banned from the spot by an irate shop owner who wanted to keep all the beauty for his customers.  Here in flagrant disobedience is my painting.

Nancy Herman
8" x 6"
oil on canvas board



Unknown said...

Way to go Nancy! Beautiful!
Reminds me of when I visited the recent Rembrandt/Jesus show at the Phila. Art Museum.
I started to do a sketch, not so much of a particular painting, but of viewers.
Soon a guard came up to me and said,"No sketching, everything is copyrighted."
I envisioned Rembrandt's ghost there, attempting to sketch his own show, and the guard saying... "Excuse me sir, but..."
We artists must persevere, in the face of
those who seek to maintain the status quo.
That's what I think.

Anonymous said...

"No Painting" (?!) That's odd, but I guess if it could happen anywhere, NYC would be the place. ;-)

Lovely work you managed from it though.