Thursday, November 18, 2021

I just realized this blog still functions so I will continued to post here even though I don't think it is distributed to my followers anymore.  Let me know please if you get this and I will keep the blog going.

I am planning to open a gallery so there will be plenty of news coming up.

email me at

Thursday, January 28, 2021


 Since reading MY BRILLIANT FRIEND and recently seeing the second season of the video of the second book in the quartet, THE STORY OF A NEW NAME, I have become fascinated by the story and its very mysterious author Elena Ferrante.   Usually I am not overly curious if an author uses a nom de plume but in this case the story seems like an autobiography so it would be interesting to know the background of the author.  Since it is such an intimate portrait of two girls it may be the reason Ferrante wishes to remain anonymous.  In any case my fascination has led me to want to create art that has the feelings generated in the story. 

Here is the first in the series.