Saturday, February 17, 2018


Taking a rest from all this traveling I decided, because of the balmy weather, to take a nice long walk down to Merion Park to see if the early crocuses which line the banks of the stream were up yet.  It was pure pleasure all the way.  Everything was wet, so the colors were deep and rich.  I got into that almost ecstatic state that sometimes comes over me when I am so full of delight with my experience that it as if I am in a trance.  Winter often feels so dismal and yet on a day like today when it is not too cold you can really enjoy the subtleties of the season.  The greens were especially deep and delicious, occasionally set off by the dark orange- brown of dead leaves and the graceful structure of the almost black towering trees.

When I got to the park the crocuses were indeed popping up all along the bank, although they were not open as the sun is required for that display, but I noted with pleasure that there were signs indicating that this is now a "no mowing area" as native plants have been introduced.  So there will be many more occasions for strolling to the park as these lovelies emerge.

I did not have my camera but I did take some shots on a friend's street on a similar day last week.  They don't tell the whole story by any means because it is difficult to get this kind of subtle color with an iPhone, but if you can, take a walk and see for yourself!

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