Thursday, May 7, 2015

What Happened

Those of you who have been subscribed to this list from the beginning, (it has been going on for about 4 years now), may be wondering what ever happened to the grand plan of creating a painting a day.  Yes, I have been wondering that myself.  The answer seems to be that as usual things change.  Other avenues of expression open up or prod back into consciousness.  Family and friends fill spaces that had been filled with painting.  Health is not perfect and the will to create is simply used by the will to survive.

At present I am working on illustrating a children's book, as I have mentioned, taking pictures of this lovely spring to hopefully finish the video I began earlier, and planning lots of paintings.

I did take a morning to visit the Barnes Foundation gardens to see how spring was arriving accross the street. The lilacs are in bloom so don't miss it if you are in the area.  I didn't take pictures of them this time but will be back this weekend to paint.

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