Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Page from my book

Bryn Mawr Institute

If you live in the Main line you will recognize many of the places pictured in my new book POSTCARDS FROM MERION.  Here is one of the images you will find there.  I think you will have fun finding your favorite spots and sharing with friends.  You can purchase the book from Amazon by clicking the link.


Anne said...

You should tell them it's a mere 14.99 for all that visual goodness.
Who can resist?

I lived in Bryn Mawr for nearly 40 years. I'll enjoy this book I'm sure.

But it was the pictures of the fruit in sunshine that got me to buy. I learn about painting by looking at paintings and I often learn something when looking at yours.

postcardsfromthemainline said...

Thanks for the advice Anne. I'll mention the price tomorrow.