Monday, February 18, 2013


Nancy Herman
6" x 8"
oil on canvas board

A snowy day in Brooklyn found me having coffee with my daughter, Ellie, and her new baby, Olive (she doesn't drink coffee yet so was sound asleep) in the Sweet Wolf's Cafe.  Having paintings at the Townhouse Coffee House was such a big success, I decided to find out if I could show here as well.  I met the owner and will have paintings there in June.  This is the first painting done especially for the occasion.
I was very pleased to sell 5 paintings, including 2 larger ones from the Merion coffee house and will be back there in the fall.  It is great to know that people will buy paintings without having anyone giving them a pitch, just because they like them.
The Coffee House has really made a comeback lately as people sit around for hours working on their computers.  They are not in the office or at home alone.  There is at least the illusion of company and good hot coffee and pastries always at the ready.  There were actually people talking to each other as well.
I remember very well 50 years or so ago going to the newly revised version of the coffee house at that time and hearing Phil Oakes sing for the first time.  When somebody takes out a guitar in one of these new places we will have come full circle.



Sue Marrazzo Fine Art said...

Lovely, Nancy!
Congrats on the Sales...
'Love the coffee house venue, too!
I am currently showing at the
Cornerstone Coffeehouse.

postcardsfromthemainline said...

Turns out to be a good venue. Hope you have good luck.