Monday, May 7, 2012

Grape Hyacynths
Nancy Herman
6" x 8"
oil on canvas board

When I was growing up I lived on a farm.  In order to get to my friend's house I had to cross through cow grazing meadows.  This was somewhat hazardous as I had to watch out for cow "paddies" on the way and was never sure how friendly those great beasts were.  One day in early spring I was on my way for a visit when suddenly I saw at least an acre of Grape Hyacynths spreading before me.  The cow paddies had turned into a glorious show of indigo.  Like Wordsworth and his dafodils I will never forget that experience and often summon it up when "in vacant or in pensive mood" to bring joy to my spirit.



Unknown said...

Lovely painting as always, Nancy.
I also grew up on a farm, about the same time as you, methinks. My monthly job was shoveling from the cow barn lots of those paddies.
We also used dried ones for bases, when playing baseball out in the pasture. doubt more than anyone wants to know.
Happily the Art Spirit helped both of us grow up and prosper.

Elissa Gore said...

just lovely, Nancy.